本プロジェクトは、日曜美術館 「記憶に辿りつく絵画〜亡き人を描く画家〜」(ETV 2011年)に単独で特集されている。
その詳細は「諏訪敦 絵画作品集 どうせなにもみえない」(求龍堂 2011年) 、 「kotoba」第7号(集英社 2012年)、
「日本美術全集 20巻 1996〜現在 日本美術の現在・未来」 (小学館2016年) などに収録されている。 

《恵里子》は、依頼による肖像画である。 依頼人は鹿嶋敬氏。像主の恵里子氏はその娘である。 描かれた本人は、肖像画が依頼された時点で既に亡くなっている。2008年5月2日、単身で海外旅行中のボリビア・ウユニ塩湖にて若くして事故死した娘の肖像だった。父親としての思いについては、「恵里子へ―結納式の10日後、ボリビアで爆死した最愛の娘への鎮魂歌」 (日本経済新聞出版社 2009年) で、本人によりにつぶさに綴られている。



《Eriko》 is a commissioned portrait painting. The commissioner is Kei Kashima. The commissioner was Kei Kashima, and Eriko is his daughter. The portrait is of his daughter, who died in an accident at the Salar de Uyuni Salt Lake in Bolivia on May 2, 2008, while traveling abroad by herself. His feelings as a father are described in detail in "To Eriko - A requiem for his beloved daughter who was killed in a bombing in Bolivia ten days after her wedding ceremony" (Nihon Keizai Shimbun Publishing Co., Ltd. 2009). It was on November 28, 2009 that he was asked to create the portrait. The portrait was formally accepted on July 20, 2010. On July 24, 2010, Kei presented me with the following conditions for the production of the book

 (1) I want you to recreate the bright and full of life Eriko. In other words, I would like Mr. Suwa to bring her back to life.
 (2) The size of the painting should be no larger than F12, as the room is not so large. (The conditions were later changed.)
 (3) Nudity, etc. are not allowed.

I was basically left to the artist's own devices, and was provided with many photographs, videos, and personal effects and clothing from the deceased's estate as materials for the painting. After dozens of e-mails with the client, I had the opportunity to paint his father, Kei, and his mother, Sumiko, on December 26, 2010. Although I was not able to interview the owner of the sculptures in person, I tried to obtain as much information about Eriko as possible that could not be obtained from photographs and other sources.

恵里子 (ERIKO) 制作風景(撮影:飯村昭彦) 2011年 / 727 × 500 mm / Oil. Tempera on Panel


The most important part of the portrait was the hand, which had to be repeatedly modified before it was completed. The prosthetic hand was created by Yoji Sato of Sato Giken, a manufacturer of ornamental prosthetic limbs that Suwa had long been interested in for his technical skills. Mr. Yoji Sato collected data on Eriko's hands from photographs of her before her death, and based on the numerical values of her body, the prosthetic hand was made based on a hypothetical request that if Ms. Eriko had ordered a prosthetic hand, it would be made like this.